If you are experiencing problems while trying to download files in the Newsroom, here are some suggestions.
1) If the file is a pdf, you will need Adobe Acrobat® Reader® 5 or later.
Click here to downoad the latest version.
2) PowerPoint® (.ppt) files will only open if you have a version of Microsoft® PowerPoint® loaded on your operating system. Try downloading the pdf version of the file if you do not have PowerPoint.®
3)Audio files should play on most computer audio systems such as Quicktime, Windows Media Player or RealPlayer. There are downloads of free versions of all these systems available if you do not have them on your system. When playing the audio files, there may be a delay before the audio starts.
4) Large files take time to download to your computer. Most of the files in the Newsroom have been optimized to download quickly, but some PowerPoint® and some audio files are still large. File sizes are listed as the file link. One megabyte (MB) is the equivalent of about 1000 kilobytes (KB). Any file over 1.5 MB will take some time to download, especially on dialup phone connections. Download time is directly related to the speed of your internet connection.
5) If you click on a link and nothing seems to happen, it could be that the file is large and is taking time to download.
6) Most of the files in the newsroom will download to your computer depending on the configuration of your system and the software available.
If you need further assistance or would like to report a problem, please contact csimmons@angusjournal.com.