Beef Board Seats New Members, Elects Leadership for 2009
Williams, Dierschke, Jones are CBB officers for 2009.
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Feb. 4, 2009) — The Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) seated new board members and elected officers and representatives to its 2009 Executive Committee and the Beef Promotion Operating Committee during its annual meeting in Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 31.
In addition, the CBB unanimously elected Massachusetts dairywoman Lucinda Williams to serve as 2009 chairman of the Board, with outgoing chairman Dave Bateman of Illinois handing over the gavel as he ended his chairmanship. Texas cow-calf producer Dan Dierschke was elected vice chairman. Tom Jones, a cattleman from Arkansas, was elected to serve as secretary-treasurer of the Beef Board for the year.
After being appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture in December, a total of 32 Board members, including 15 new members and 17 existing members who were appointed to a second term, were seated for service on the Beef Board after taking the oath of office from USDA representative William Sessions during a CBB meeting Jan. 28.
New members seated and the states they represent include: G. Hughes Abell, Texas; Kim Brackett, Idaho; Joyce Bupp, Pennsylvania; Wesley Grau, New Mexico; Ted Greidanus, California; Dorith Maron, Importer; F. Henry Maxey Jr., Virginia; Roland May, Kansas; Stephen Orodenker, Importer; Chris Schluntz, Nebraska; Daniel Smith, Kentucky; Phyllis Snyder, Colorado; Michael Stahly, South Dakota; Jay Stovall, Montana; and Kelvin Whall, Importer.
Reappointments and the states they represent include Ron Allen, importer; Charles Bassett, Missouri; Robert Bruner, Texas; Dan Dierschke, Texas; Bob Drake, Oklahoma; Jim Eschliman, Nebraska; Bryant Fisher, Texas; Michelle Gorman, importer; Margie Hande, North Dakota; Terry Handke, Kansas; Andrea Hutchinson, Oklahoma; Tom Jones, Arkansas; Daniel Kerschen, Kansas; John O’Carroll, importer; Daryl Berlier Owen, Texas; Roger West, Florida; and Lindy Whipps, Nebraska.
New CBB officer team
Newly elected Beef Board Chairman Lucinda Williams was the 2008 vice chairman of the Board. She was originally appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture in 2004. Williams is married to a 12th-generation dairy producer and farmer in Hatfield, Mass., where they operate their 220-acre family-owned farm that dates back to 1661. Williams was very active during her first term on the Beef Board, serving on committees including the CBB Executive Committee, the Beef Promotion Operating Committee, Joint Evaluation Advisory Committee; and the Joint Information Committee, which she chaired in 2007.
Williams has been active in the dairy and beef industry in Massachusetts and the Northeast, as well, in organizations including Agri-Mark, for which she served as YC president in 2002-03; Farm Bureau; Genex; and Farm Credit. Williams is also very active in her church; the local school district; and PEO, a women’s educational organization. She and her husband, Darryl, have four children.
Beef Board Vice Chairman Dan Dierschke is a fifth-generation cow-calf producer and farmer who was originally appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture in 2006. As a Beef Board member, Dierschke has served on committees including the Beef Promotion Operating Committee, the CBB Audit Committee, and the Joint International Markets Committee.
Dierschke and his wife, Marilynn, produce beef near Austin, Texas. He is a past chairman of the Texas Beef Council; former Texas Farm Bureau State Director; and a member of the board for the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), for which he previously served on the Executive Committee. Other organizations on which he continues to serve include the Technical Subcommittee on Farm Land Preservation for USDA’s National Resources Conservation Service (Texas); as an appointee of the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to the Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade in Animals and Animal Products; as an appointee of the Texas governor to the Texas Farm & Ranch Lands Conservation Council; and as an appointee of the Texas Comptroller to the Property Value Study Technical Advisory Committee.
Elected as the 2009 Beef Board Secretary-Treasurer was Tom Jones, a third-generation farmer and rancher from Pottsville, Ark., where he runs a beef cattle operation with his wife, Jayne. He holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business from Arkansas Tech University. On the Beef Board, Tom has served on the Executive Committee, the Beef Promotion Operating Committee, the Joint Issues Management Subcommittee, and the CBB Administration Subcommittee, which he chaired in 2008.
Jones also has served as a board member for the Arkansas Farm Bureau and as a Making American Agriculture Productive and Profitable (MAAPP) Committee member for the American Farm Bureau.
Executive committee
The 12-member CBB Executive Committee includes the Board’s three officers and eight members elected at large. In addition, the immediate past chair of the Beef Board (Dave Bateman of Illinois) serves on the committee in an advisory capacity.
The CBB elected the following members to its 2009 Executive Committee: CBB Vice Chairman Dan Dierschke, who will serve as chairman of the Executive Committee; Lucinda Williams (CBB chairman); Tom Jones (CBB secretary-treasurer); Laurie Bryant, an importer from Virginia; Virginia Coelho of California; Robert Fountain Jr. of Georgia (SE Region); Daryl Berlier Owen of Texas; Dan Peterson of Iowa; Jenny Senn of South Carolina; Myron Williams of South Dakota; and Weldon Wynn of Arkansas.
The Executive Committee operates under the direction of, and within the policies established by, the full Board and is responsible for carrying out Beef Board policies and conducting business and making decisions necessary to administer the terms and provisions of the Act and Order between meetings of the full Board.
Operating committee
The Beef Promotion Operating Committee was created by the Beef Promotion Research Act to help coordinate state and national Beef Checkoff programs. The 20-person committee includes 10 members of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, among them the Board’s three officers and seven others elected directly by Beef Board members.
CBB members elected to the 2009 Beef Promotion Operating Committee during the annual meeting in Phoenix include: Chairman Lucinda Williams; Vice Chairman Dan Dierschke; Secretary-Treasurer Tom Jones; Jerry Bohn of Kansas; Merrill Karlen of South Dakota; Chuck Kiker of Texas; Al Pedigo of Kentucky; John Schafer of Minnesota; Don Stewart, an importer from Illinois; and Roger West of Florida.
The other 10 members of the committee are representatives of state beef councils, including the chair and vice chair of the Federation of State Beef Councils and eight other members elected by state beef councils. Those representatives include Federation Chairman J.D. Alexander of Nebraska; Federation Vice Chairman Scott George of Wyoming; Chuck Adami of Wisconsin; David Dick of Missouri; David Hamilton of Nebraska; Tamara Ogilvie of New Mexico; Linda Joy Stovall of Texas; Craig Uden of Nebraska; Becky Walth of South Dakota; and Helen Weise of Iowa.
Editor’s Note: This article was provided as a release by the Cattlemen's Beef Board (CBB). For more information contact Melissa Slagle at 303-867-6306 or visit the CBB newsroom at For additional information about individual CBB members, visit the member profile section of at Profiles of all continuing members are available, and new-member profiles will be added during the coming week.
The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.