Raising Them Right
New contests for youth feature quiz bowl, team marketing, public speaking and live cattle evaluation.
PHOENIX, Ariz. (Jan. 30, 2009) — Statistics gathered in the U.S. Census of Agriculture show the average age of the U.S. cattle producer is increasing. Those statistics also indicate the number of youth leaving the family’s farming/ranching operation for college and not returning home immediately is increasing.
To get the youth of the cattle industry interested in the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and to keep their interests on the farm, youth-focused contests were added to the long list of activities for participants of the 2009 Cattle Industry Annual Convention in Phoenix, Ariz.
Public Speaking. The Public Speaking Contest attracted several participants with speeches ranging from beef nutrition to cattle marketing to the importance of environmental stewardship. Winners in each age category — 10 and younger, 11-14 and 15-19 — received VISA check cards in the amount of $100, $75 and $50 for first, second and third place, respectively.
Winners of this year’s contest were Justis Marshall, Burlington, Colo. (10 and under); Steven Bigelow, Duncan, Ariz. (11-14); and Kaitlyn Gill, Lithia, Fla. (15-19).
The Team Marketing Contest encourages teamwork while developing communication skills, marketing techniques and an understanding of performance information.Team Marketing. The youth Team Marketing Contest was designed to encourage teamwork while promoting development of communication skills, marketing techniques and an understanding of cattle performance information. The contest was open to college students as well as high school seniors. Awards were given in amounts of $500, $300 and $200 for first, second and third place, respectively.
Representing the Florida Cattlemen’s Association, senior team winners were Phillip Horvath, Tara Harrison and Victoria Horvath. Colorado State University won the collegiate division. Team members included Cheyenne Dixon, Alicia Miller and Jolynn Sakugawa.
Teams of four go head-to-head to answer questions ranging from NCBA policy to cattle health in the Quiz Bowl Contest.Quiz Bowl. The young people’s knowledge of the cattle industry was tested during the Quiz Bowl Contest. Teams of four went head-to-head with questions covering NCBA policy, cattle health and industry knowledge. The top three teams received cash awards of $500, $300 and $200, respectively.
Winning first was the team representing the Florida Cattlemen’s Association. Team members included Cody Corson, Thomas Richmond, J.K. Yarborough and Brittany Warren.
Live Cattle Evaluation. Cattle evaluation teaches students to make decisions based on sound reasons. Evaluating 10 classes of live cattle, students competed as teams of four and/or as individuals, with age divisions of collegiate, senior, junior and novice. The novice group was given a judging tutorial before their competition began.
Colorado State University’s team comprised of Dominic DiSanti, J.W. Wood, Mandy Meyers, Elizabeth McManus and Aaric Sieke won the collegiate division.
DiSanti was the top collegiate individual.
The North American South Devon team comprised of Cody Doubet, Curtis Doubet, Lane Giess and Laddy Trehal placed first in the senior division. Doubet was top individual in that age group.
There were no teams in the junior and novice divisions; contestants competed only as individuals. Winning the junior division was Ty Gatlin, Reserve, N.M. Jake Edleman, Willow Lake, S.D., won the novice division.
For the collegiate and senior divisions, individuals of the top team each won $250, while the top three individuals won $500, $300 and $200, respectively. The top 10 individuals overall and the top three individuals in reasons and in performance classes won a duffel bag. In the junior and novice divisions, the top individual was awarded a belt buckle while the top 10 individuals were awarded duffel bags. The top three in reasons in the junior division also won duffel bags.
The youth contests were coordinated by NCBA and exclusively sponsored by a grant from The Farm Credit System Foundation.
Editor’s Note: This article was written under contract or by staff of Angus Productions Inc. (API), which claims copyright to this article. It may not be published or distributed without the express permission of Angus Productions Inc. To request reprint permission and guidelines, contact Shauna Rose Hermel, editor, at (816) 383-5270.