2005 Cattle Industry Annual Convention & Trade Show 2005 Cattle Industry Annual Convention & Trade Show alamo picture
welcome schedule newsroom cattlemen's college general sessions councils
committeess/subcommittees award winners trade show ancw archives
award winners site sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.

CAB Restaurant Wins Beefbacker

Lightseys Named ESAP Winner

Beef Backer Winners Announced

Outstanding CattleWoman of the Year Named

Trailblazer Honoree Recognized

Beef Industry Vision Award Shared

subscribe to Angus Journal, Angus Beef Bulletin, Angus e-List

design & hosting by Angus Productions, Inc.

welcome : schedule : newsroom : cattlemen's college :
general sessions : councils : committees/subcommittees :
award winners : trade show : ancw : archives