
Thursday, January 30
8:15 am - 10:15 am

NCBA Cow-Calf/Stocker Council
Sponsored by Farnam Companies, Inc.
To meet the challenges of today's beef industry, cow-calf and stocker producers need information to evaluate each area of their operation. How does your operation measure up? Learn about production topics such as health management, nutrition and marketing. We'll also discuss policy issues.

NCBA Feeder Council
Sponsored by Pharmacia Animal Health
Voice your concerns and hear debate about "front burner" industry issues facing cattlemen in all sectors of the beef industry. An action-packed education program during the meeting will continue the tradition of this council addressing pertinent topics.

NCBA Livestock Marketing Council
Sponsored by Pharmacia Animal Health
We will discuss issues surrounding the livestock marketing industry. All livestock marketers are encouraged to attend to take an active role in further developing the foundation for the council and its future direction.

NCBA Seedstock Council
Sponsored by American Live Stock Insurance Company
We'll bring together experts on genetics, animal health, nutrition and marketing to help pave the way for seedstock producers. See the many avenues an operation can travel to enhance profitability and address its challenges.

NCBA Veal Council
Comprised of Joint Industry Veal Committee members and other interested parties, this council offers an open forum to discuss veal issues. Dialogue can range from feed prices and supply issues to marketing initiatives.